For over 26 years, AG House Painting and Decoration has aimed for excellence in painting and decoration services, providing professional internal and external house painting and decoration in Melbourne’s south east suburbs, including: Bayside, Brighton, Cheltenham, Kingston, Casey, Greater Dandenong, Frankston, Glen Eira, St Kilda, Port Phillip, Highett, Bayside, Monash, Burwood, Whitehorse, Highbury View, Glen Iris, Boroondara, Stonnington, South Yarra and beyond. Owned and directed by George Fu, AG House Painting and Decoration offers all type of painting works from feature walls, rust solution, metallic finish, text, pearl, stone suede, chalk board, timber stain, and clear finish. Beyond our outstanding work, we pride ourselves on our professional team and 26 years of experience.
Why Choose AG House Painting and Decoration for Your Next Project?
We bring 26+ years of experience to every job, meaning expert painting and precision in every finish
We have specialised accreditation in Painting Certificate 3 and Plastering Certificate 3
We proudly specialise on all type of painting works from feature wall, rust solution, metallic finish, text, pearl, stone suede, chalk board, timber stain, and clear finish.
With every project, a professional finish comes as standard.
We are known for expert work in plaster fixing and timber defect restoration
Our team is Professional and trusted , with much of our work coming from word-of-mouth and referral.